Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Desteni Videos And How It Assisted Me: What Is Best For All Is Being Suppressed


I am being assisted by Desteni Productions Videos for 4 yrs now. When i started my process, Desteni videos gave me a perspective of who i have become and who i really am. That opened my eyes to the extent of my allowance and acceptance within my world.

When the videos exposed the evils in this world, i was able to see how i participated in creating this world the way it is. Before this, i had an aversion to see the evils in this world because i was endoctrinated in the "yogic phylosophy" of love and light - where the world was presented in perfect unity and oneness. I found out that, that was part of self-deception, and self-glorification and not real self-realization.

The videos about Equal Money, showed me that we can create a world where LIFE is truly honored, how that can be done and how my process of birthing self here, is essential in making it happen.

A channel that supports me and thousands of people doing the birthing of self here does not deserve to be closed. This system that we are in now has to change so that this will not happen again. Let's assist in establishing Heaven into as Earth.