Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Will Meditating For Long Hours Make A World Where Life Is Truly Honored?

I meditated for long hours thinking i will self-realize, 'thinking' that as i do that, if so many people will do meditation the same way i did, it will create a 'positive' energetic cloud' that will envelope the whole world and will create a magical world, where poverty, rape, hunger, prostitution will disappear. Then a new world will emerge in front of me 'fulfilling' all my 'heart's desires'.

I was in the illusionary world of the mind, where i dreamt and 'thought' that my dream was real. It was so real in the mind, yes, but not real as it is not here in the physical. I made it all up.

When i woke up from the dream, rape, poverty, hunger etc. still exist. So, i looked at a commonsense solution that is based from the starting point of what is best for all, and i saw that in what Desteni was proposing, the Equal Money System, where all will be given equal amount of money from birth to death so we will have access to the basic necessities we need to survive in dignity & where we will have equal power so no one will take advantage of anyone.

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