Friday, October 28, 2011

FAQ: Can I Profit From Equality?

A: You can't and you can.

In the current monetary system there is unequal distribution of money so the thrust is survival within having money as the personality ensure its survival in the future. We do business with other personalities -which in essence is fueled by competition. When we sell products or services we calculate the capital we put on making the product or service available to others. Then we put the price up so when we sell it we earn profit from the sale. This will keep us afloat and keep us surviving. This is what happens when we define ourselves according to the value we give ourselves according to how much money we have . This way in an equal money system we can't profit because we will not be able to own our own business. We will be equal owners of the only one corporation we call life.

We forgot the inter- connectedness of life in this current monetary system - because we defined who we are based on money which is unequally distributed - so our starting point in doing business with each other is self-interest. We compete for the future survival of the personality- us, our family, the community we belong and our country. We believed that we have a separate identity - because we belong to a separate family and we have a separate bank account. We lived our beliefs as if it was real. We forgot the fact that we all exist here equally as life - as we are all here in this physical existence.

In an equal money system there is equal distribution of money so the motivating factor is not survival. Profit will change its meaning from gain as self-interest to gain in being equal as all life.  Survival is guaranteed because everyone will be given equal amounts of money from birth to death. In essence our future is guaranteed. We will be fully aware of what is here and we will be able to predict the future. We will be confident of our future because we will be confident of who we  are and where we are. We know this will not change because our value is not defined by a fluctuating currency anymore - rather by stability - of who we are as life equally.We know that everyone will get everything that's possible because the system honors life equally.

FAQ: Will Circuses Exist In An Equal Money System?

A: No. Circuses will not exist in an equal money system.

In this current monetary system money is distributed unequally. We have defined ourselves according to this inequality - according to how much money we have in our pockets - hence life is about survival and self-interest . Animals are perceived less than humans. Instead of being able to roam around with humans because they have equal rights to enjoy their common habitat - the earth - the home of all life on earth - they are being used in circuses  to be used by humans to make money for themselves. We entertain ourselves and earn money in the expense of animals. We compete with humans for gain and use animals in the name of money.

I say enough. This is unacceptable.

In an equal money system, all life will be given equal value as life. We will have equal access to the basic necessities we need to survive - this is true for both animals and humans. No more cages for chickens. No more elephants, monkeys, horses etc. in circuses. We will wake up to a new world where we will roam with animals on the face of the earth - which we will call our home where life will be honored equally.

I am one vote for an equal money system.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

FAQ: What Happens To Those That Refuse To Live In An Equal Money System?

What do we know about equality?

We are living in a world where inequality is the name of the game. We have to survive within a group, such as our family, where we are usually in competition with every family member. We compare, we judge, and we become jealous of other family members when one of them is being given favoritism. From this definition  we experience the world.

Our parents taught us that this is an uncertain world – and that we have to fight for our own survival. They taught us beliefs about what is good, and what is bad… what we should do and not do. We learned not to question. We know that people who question the system become ostracized so we learned to accept the system. We follow the system without question. In essence, we accept and allow this world to be the way it is.  Inequality became the basis of the way we live life. We became the system.

Who we are as the personality is defined by unequal amounts of money in our pockets. Change how money is distributed and we will change the value we give ourselves.  Who we are now within how much money we have in our pocket defines our value as a person. Our value in the system becomes our identity. Equal amounts of money in our pocket given from birth to death will make us see the world differently.

These are the questions we have to ask ourselves:

Will we begin seeing each other eye to eye?

Will we not compete because we will be given equal amounts?

Will we not compare because we will have equal value?

Will we not be jealous because no one is less than or more than another?

We will wake up in a new world where life is truly honored.

Living in an equal money system will be free of stress. People will live in equal footing with one another because they will realize that their value is life. In cases where some people becomes a threat to others, they will have someone to support them. 

There will be psychologists and professionals assisting people who becomes a threat to the good living in an equal money system but if they do not correct themselves, goodwill, and the lives of all the living things on the planet and it is unknown what is causing it- maybe a physical dysfunction - such a person will be kept behind locked doors for the protection of that person because the people will see that person as a threat. So people will be in danger if we allow that person to be out in society. For their own protection they will be kept under supervision.

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