Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Break The Law of Inequality

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Lyrics I wrote personally

Break The Law of Inequality
Break The Law , Break The Law Baby, Let's Break the law of Inequality
Pray, pray, you don't have no money
pray, pray, coz you're sick and lonely
pray, pray to win the lottery
or to get out of the pain of losing a baby
why pray to someone higher?
why make me a sinner?
Equality is saner
Break, break, break the law baby, let's break the law of inequality
The godfather became the motherfucker
who is the saviour?
It's you, it's me
It's you and me in poverty
It's you and me fucking with personality and inequality
Why call another?
why pray to another?
who is the fucker?
We have the money distributed unequally
Let's get the cheese,
enjoy ourselves
Let's live equality
Break the Law, break the law baby, break the law of inequality
what's best for me is what's best for you and me
and all of me is all of humanity
break the law, break the law baby, let's break the law of inequality
stop the me only
which is self-dishonesty
let's take self-responsibility
stop the me
let's work for  what's best for you and me
and all of humanity
why pray to get the money
why pray to save humanity
stop the me only
live for equality
we don't need anybody
just you and me and all of humanity
living with equal money
living in dignity
stop the me only
self-interested inequity
keeps money flowing steadily
to me only
while my dying brother lives in self-pity
what's up baby?
Let's stop the me only
the godfather became the motherfucker
break the law, break the law baby, break the law of inequality
Let's get the cheese,
enjoy ourselves
let's live equality
break the law, break the law baby, break the law of inequality
what's best for you,
what's best for me
is what's best for you and me
and what's best for me is what's best for all humanity
Common Baby, Let's break the law, let's break the law of inequality